“Enrichment beyond the classroom”
CALL US: 4958 1330
Community Kindergarten Inc.
Throughout your child's time at Preschool, a wide selection of developmentally appropriate and interest based activities will be available for them to engage in. Our program is based on the Early Years Learning Framework and is driven by our observations of children. Outdoor activities include; bikes, scooters, obstacle course, swings, climbing equipment, water play, sandpit play, gardening, taking care of our pets.
Indoor activities include; block and construction play, puzzles, playdough, craft and painting, cognitive activities, home corner, quiet corner, multicultural area, literacy area and taking care of our pet bunnies, green tree frogs, fish, birds, stick insects and hermit crabs.

Our routine changes twice a year to align with the weather and to ensure children get the most out of their day at Preschool.

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Language and Music Groups -
​​Language Group -
Children are divided into five groups for story time - Koalas, Possums, Platypus, Bilby's and Turtles.
Story groups occur once a day for 20-30 minutes and are a time where children participate in intentional teaching activities.

Music Group -
​Throughout their day, children also participate in a 20-30 minute music and movement lesson. During this time children will learn a variety of movements and songs which include those in other languages, sign language, aerobics and yoga.

Indoor and Outdoor Programs
​Indoor Program -
We provide a variety of resources and materials during inside play. Our educators plan and provide a range of activities based upon all learning styles and areas.

+ Block area
+ Playdough
+ Puzzles - 9, 12 and 20 pieces. Layered puzzles, large floor puzzles and large community puzzles.
+ Literacy area - word cards, whiteboard and markers, name cards, letter cards, letter and number posters, magnetic letters
+ Children's Free craft area; paper, pencils, textas, crayons, scissors, glue
+ Multicultural areas - resources, information, souviners and pictures from different countries around the world
+ Quiet area located around the service
+ Construction; small and large size blocks
+ Cognitive activities - involving turn taking, memory recall, observation, colour and number recognition
+ Painting easels; range of materials
+ ELLA Program; learning Italian language
+ Dramatic Home Corner

Outdoor Program -
Educators plan and prepare a variety of large and small equipment to extend the children's large and small gross motor skills. Outdoor play allows the chidlren to further develop their jumping, hopping, running, skipping, galloping, throwing and catching, climbing, balancing, upper body strength, hand eye coordination and core strength.

+ Bike track - tricycles, balance bikes, double bikes, 3-wheel scooters and 2-wheel scooters
+ Large gross motor equipment - obstacle course, climbing, balancing, crawling
+ Mud Kitchen with cubbyhouse
+ Waterwall
+ Gardening - watering plants, weeding the gardens, planting seeds
+ Swings - tyre, trapeze, disc, foot swing, spiderweb
+ Sandpit
+ Quiet area
+ Dramatic play area
+ Balls - tennis balls, small and large balls
+ Construction - small and large; plastic and wooden blocks
+ Caring for our pet rabbits, frogs, fish, bird and hermit crabs.
Transition to School Program
During Term 3 and 4 we have a planned 'School Room' which runs for 6 weeks, for 40 minutes per day. Throughout this program we offer a large variety of activities and hands on resources to help ensure a positive transition into Kindergarten. Some of the skills the children will become engaged in include:

+ Listening activities.
+ Fine Motor skills - pencil grip, scissor skills, drawing recognisable figures, writing numbers as well as writing their name independently.
+ Introduction and extension on the letters of the alphabet.
+ Introduction and extension on numbers 0-20.
+ Listening and completing two and three step instructions.
+ Turn taking.
+ Asking and answering questions.
+ Confidence building activities.
+ Completing simple activity sheets.
Our program is planned to meet the 5 Learning Outcomes from the Early Years Learning Framework.
To find out more about the 5 Outcomes, further information is available on the link provided.
Educational Programs and visitors.
Throughout the year our Preschool incorporates a variety of educational programs. We invite professionals into our Preschool to allow the children an opportunity to experience real life skills. Our children engage in hands on activities to further extend upon their knowledge and awareness of real life experiences.